Course curriculum

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    Welcome to Body Awareness for Jiujitsu!

    • Hi there :)

    • Before we begin..

    • Program guidelines - AAA Framework

    • 5Ps of Programming, Schedule & Template (READ TEXT)

    • Tracking progress & Autoregulation

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    Module 1 : Crawl

    • Why Crawl?

    • Bear Necessities

    • Bear Twist Variations

    • Bent Arm Bear Variations

    • Bent Leg Bear aka Sexy Bear

    • Application in Jiujitsu by Eric Uresk

    • Specific Flexibility

    • Bonus Lesson - Crawling Application : Rafael Mendes

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    Module 2: Squat

    • Why we squat

    • Floating table top, Basic Froggers, and Monkeys

    • Single Leg Frogger

    • Sumo Froggers

    • High Froggers

    • Cossack Monkey

    • Monkey 180

    • Tail Swipe

    • Colt + Twist

    • Application in Jiujitsu by Prof. Eric Uresk

    • Squatchy Flexibility

    • Bonus Lesson: Marcelo Garcia rolling with Ryan Hall

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    Module 3: Roll

    • Why we roll

    • Through the window - Forward rolling basics

    • Backwards Roll Variations

    • Slowyaroll

    • Happy rolling babies

    • Granbyish

    • Bellyflops and flippyfish

    • Application to Jiujitsu by Eric Uresk

    • Granbyish

    • Spinal mobility

    • Bonus Case Study - Nicky Ryan vs Tye Ruotolo

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    Module 4: Flow

    • Why we Flow

    • Crawl 2 Squat Transitions

    • Squat 2 Squat transitions

    • Pigeon 2 pigeon

    • Free Flow - Transitions in action

    • Application to Jiujitsu by Eric Uresk

    • Bonus - Free Flow example